Monday, March 19, 2012

To do or not to do

The other day while napping in our bed-room after lunch suddenly we felt it was tremendously hot.We woke up and started discussion.At first we came to the conclusion to buy an A.C immediately which was long pending.Our niece is very kind enough to suggest it for our west-side bed-room which will be very hot
during summer.We already fixed A.C.provisions to all the 3 bed rooms of our sweet home but could not buy even a single one binding to the principle of natural living.During summer days we used to keep open our balcony door through which we enjoy natural cool breeze after mid-night.O.K.Let us come to the point
First we wanted to select either split or window.Many suggested split  as noise-less A.C. but Window one is a bit cheaper.As usual we recognised after some discussion we were parallel in our stand-points.
So,we proceeded to the next point keeping aside present one
To which room we have to fix?
My wife strongly believe the saying ATHITHI DEVO BHAVA and wanted to have it to our guest-room but I denied ofcourse with some selfishness on my part.
Again parallel
Next point which brand?
Now-a-days many advertisements on channels and news papers about star rating,easy E.M.I's bla..bla..bla..
Before parallel discussion suddenly we felt our room very cool without an A.C. We came out to the balcony and to out astonishment dark clouds all over the sky shielding the angry Sun,and after some time
Heavy rain
Till this time we are enjoying such a cool climate and unusually we coincided with the point
Let us postpone the purchase for some time


  1. So pitta poru..pitta poru pilli theerchindannamaata! Postponed till the next hot day, right?

    1. We want to avoid next hot day by any means.It is an utopia to hope all cool days for summer in our Rjy

  2. my vote, if it counts, go for it

    1. Definitely counts.But for how many days we stay in Rjy
      is a big question.Phani is very particular about our stay in Hyderabad

  3. right now you buy. then when you go to Hyd. you can take it with you. that should not a big problem
